Every life matters, we do care for our patients
Since inception, ACF has spent around Rs. 305 Million mainly on health related projects, improving quality of life of more than 110,000 families. During financial year 2021-22, a total of 11,652 under privileged patients’ visits were accommodated at various ACF supported clinics, depicting 52% yearly increase.
Success Stories

Patient Shakeel, a resident of the rural district of Mianwali, faced a challenging situation when diagnosed with severe arthritis. Unable to afford the expensive medical treatment, Shakeel faced a tough situation where he might end up permanently disabled.
Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Arthritis Care Foundation stepped in to provide essential support. Understanding the financial constraints faced by Shakeel, the foundation facilitated a hip replacement surgery, a critical procedure that would cost approximately 3 lakh rupees. This help not only addressed Shakeel's immediate medical needs but also stopped the potential long-term consequences of permanent disability. Now, Shakeel can walk and manage his tasks independently.

I want to express my sincere thanks for the incredible support and assistance that the Arthritis Care Foundation has provided to individuals like me who face the challenges of scleroderma. As someone who has personally experienced the effects of this rare and debilitating disease, I would like to share my success story and recognize the crucial role that the Arthritis Care Foundation has played in helping me improve my health and well-being.

Assalam-o-Alaikum, my name is Asad Ullah. I joined ACF two months ago. I had a lot of pain in my right hip joint, and the doctors suggested replacing it. ACF helped me get the needed medicines, and the surgery went well. Now, thanks to God, I can walk without help, which I couldn't do before. I'm still getting treatment, and the doctors here are very competent, giving me care and medicines at affordable prices. I'm thankful.

I was working abroad to support my family. However, I developed Arthritis and lost my job. I had no insurance and could not afford treatment, so I returned to my country. I was diagnosed with LUPUS which affected my joints, skin and resulted in kidney malfunction. I needed Hip replacement also. ACF supported me for hip joint replacement, which cost approximate 6 Lac rupees, and medications given by ACF for lupus was 2 lac rupees.

A 40-year-old female patient Tabassum Irshad from Southern Punjab appeared in rheumatology clinics suffering from RA with deformities, OA knees, and severely limited B/L hip mobility. She belongs to a poor family and lives in a village where advanced health facilities are not available. This resulted in a delayed diagnosis of her disease and B/L hip surgery was required. His father and brother are labourers and work in the grain market to run their family. The cost of her B/L hip replacement is approx. 4 lac rupees. ACF Team took her responsibility and she underwent a successful surgery of her left hip replacement. ACF is aiming to support her right hip replacement which is planned for August 2023. With the hard work of our team and the support of our donors, ACF will continue to facilitate underprivileged patients.

Waqas 26 years patient of lupus diagnosed after 10 years of disease symptoms initially wrongly treated by Dermatologist for eczema and allergy, inadvertently treated as TB because had fever and high ESR later remained under care of Orthopedics for management of joint pains
Finally an astute general practitioner who had exposure of managing SLE patients under supervision of Rheumatologist did the diagnostic test which is ANA and Ant- ds DNA and when they turned out to be positive referred him to Department of Rheumatology
We can avoid such diagnostic delays by establishing rheumatology departments in all medical colleges and exposing our young graduates and training of family physicians.

A young girl diagnosed with lupus Nephritis a rheumatic disease that involves kidney and can lead to Renal failure, if not treated timely with very effective but expensive medications. She is living a happy life because of the support extended by our worthy donors. Cost of per month treatment is Rs 12,000 otherwise she has been on dialysis.

Abdullah is 11 years old from Southern Punjab diagnosed with Systemic JIA. His elder brother who had to leave his studies and had to take care of his brother who was totally dependent on his self care. Right treatment for this young boy has transformed the lives of both brothers. Fund his treatment costing PKR 150,000 per year.

A college student, disease started at the age of 6, with hip pain wrongly diagnosed and treated as TB. Now getting biologic injections and is able to restart his college and ambitious to pursue BS Computer Sciences

Mumtaz begum is from Chakwal & has Rheumatoid Arthritis. Her disease was not being controlled with conventional disease modifying and was confined to wheel chair. She needed biologics, provided by ACF through your support.She has recovered remarkably.

A college going, 19 years old patient from rural area of central Punjab, diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis. Due to lack of knowledge about disease and specialist doctors for its treatment she suffered a lot. With your help of ACF can continue to support this bright student.

A.H 14 years old, diagnosed Juvenile Dermatomyositis; a disease which causes inflammation in muscles, had an acute onset becoming bed ridden within days. Admitted in ICU, on the verge of a respiratory failure. ACF sponsored his Rituximab worth Rs. 320,000/- He recovered fully, goes to school and is back to daily activities.